OP: First Strike – JSOC: WELCOME

Welcome to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC),

The fact that you have actually signed up for this event and joined the closed FB Group shows that you, like us take this sport a bit more seriously than most. At least as serious as you can considering we are running around in the woods shooting plastic BB’s at each other.  Still, the more you put into it by immersing yourself into the event the more you will get out of it. However at the end of the end you may decide you don’t like a more rigid structure … that’s fine … BB wars are a good time too.  At least you can say “I gave it a try!”

We will be running this event with a command structure to create a “MilSim” experience as compared to running around in the woods on your own shooting at anything that moves.  We don’t need any loan-wolves out there, that is the quickest way to screw up the fun for everyone!

Not to worry we will be flexible and the goal is for everyone to have a good time and walk away Sunday tired and sore thinking … that was fracking cool!


Commander: Dennis Pollmann – Primary role is to insure we are achieving the objectives and communicate his intentions to the XO.

XO: Mike Jensen – Primary role is to disseminate the commanders intentions to the Platoon Leaders.

First Sergeant: Adam Lanskey – Primary role is the organization and well being of the troops.

RTO: We may assign a dedicated radio transmission officer if someone is really interested and has the skill set.

Platoon Leaders: You will be in charge of multiple squads with the primary responsibility of conveying orders to the squad leaders and reporting progress back up the chain of command. Our current plan is to have 3 Platoon Leaders each running 3, 9 man squads.  

Squad Leaders: Follow the orders of your PL and provide situation reports.  Lead your squads to secure specific goals and objectives.  Your primary mission is always squad security and safety.

Squad Members: Follow the orders of your SL. Make sure you have a battle buddy. Follow the chain of command.

Each squad will be made up of multiple riflemen and depending on how things play out hopefully a few squads will have special roles like LMG, MMG, Grenadier or DMR. We will be limiting each squad to 2 LMG’s or 1 MMG and 1 LMG.  If you are a team that all runs Squad Automatic Weapons please post up in the FB Private Group, we may put together a Weapons Squad.

Each SL should also select 2 FTL’s (Fire Team Leaders). Our goal is a 9 soldier squad but we will be lax when it comes to the squad structures.  Not everyone will have a full squad and some may have more than 9. This is why it’s VERY IMPORTANT that you communicate to us if you are part of a team or group that runs together.  If you’re a single or just a couple players … we will make sure to get you assigned to a great squad.

Lets hit on a touchy topic for some … RADIOS.  All PL’s, SL’s and their FTL’s should have radios. All Sniper/Spotter should have radios …. NO ONE else needs a radio. SL’s, if you can’t see all of your squad, you are too far away from them. It makes it very difficult to collect intel and give commands with a bunch of people on the ComNet. Any radio use outside of the posted ComNet assignments needs to be cleared with command.

If you haven’t already please respond on the FB Private Group so we can get you assigned to a squad and hopefully with people you wish to run with.  We are also looking for Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders, if you would like to volunteer let me know.

Please respond with any comments or concerns on our FB Private Group.    Also now is the time to ask questions.  Don’t be shy, I’m sure “you’re” not the only person with that question.   Also feel free to PM Dennis if you want to keep it on the QT.

Next Steps

For now your primary duty is to make sure you and you load-out are combat ready.   At past events we have had people drop out on the initial march to the field. You physical and mental readiness is just as important as you kit.   No other planning is required by you or your team as objectives have not been assigned and all missions will be handed down from command during the event. 

Now that you have read this, please go to the JSOC Main Planning Page where specific event intel will be posted and updated on a regular basis.   

*All information on this page is considered JSOC Confidential – sharing outside of the JSOC Team will result in your immediate expulsion from this event.

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