Things to Consider

Thank you for considering joining Phantom Fury. Please review the following.

Most of our team is located in the Greater Portland Metro and SW Washington area. Only under special circumstances do we accept members outside of this area, only because it is very difficult to make all of the required training and meetings otherwise.

MINORS (13-17 years old):

  1. Please get your parent or guardian approval. It is our policy to contact them.
  2. You will be required to have a sponsor. Your sponsor can be your parent, guardian or a member of Phantom Fury.  Your sponsor’s responsibilities include; making sure you have transportation to meetings, practices and events and that your team dues are paid on time.  Taking care of you in the event of an emergency and will take responsibility if you do not follow PF Team rules or the rules of any event we attend.


  1. You will need someone on PF to recommend you to the leadership as a potential recruit. You must have attended events in which you have played with PF team members. By “played with” you must have been on the same side and ran with a PF squad.
  2. Phantom Fury plays throughout the year, rain, snow and sometime sunshine.  We have mandatory team meetings once a quarter and attend events or practice about 2 times a month.
  3. Read the Team Rules, can you follow them?
  4. Review  Uniform/Loadout requirement.

If you would like to be on one of the elite PNW Airsoft/Milsim teams and feel you can meet the requirements please contact us at and we will will get back to you.

We encourage you to introduce yourself to us out at any event.  The better we know you, the easier the recruitment process is for all of us.

Questions can be directed to us at

Thank you for your interest in joining our team!

Phantom Fury

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